Some inspiration…

I wanted to share this with my followers today because I thought it was important. 
A couple of days ago a shared a post about being a mindful Mommy. I also wrote a little bit on how I try to be more present with my children and why I liked the article. Here is what I wrote:
I liked this article because I can really relate to it. The struggle of trying to clean the house, cook meals, be a loving wife, spend time with the kids, get to the gym, work, etc. is REAL. 
It’s not made up. This is why I started waking up at 5:30am every morning: so I can get at least one thing accomplished before the kids wake up. Whether it’s studying, working out, cleaning the house or laundry, if I wake up early and give myself the extra time to accomplish one or more of the things on my to-do list, I will feel more relaxed and able to spend more time with my kids! They will never be this young again and we will never get this day back. Take time to be present every day, if not for yourself, for your kids ❤
I wanted to add to this something that came up today… waking up at 5:30am is always my goal, but sometimes it doesn’t work out. For example, on Saturday night my daughter woke up at 10:30p with a stomach bug. Poor thing was up all night and of course my husband and I were up with her. That morning I didn’t wake up at 5:30a (to my defense it was the weekend and I usually don’t do 5:30a on the weekend) but I want to prove my point which I will get to after my next example.
Last night, I came down with the dreaded stomach bug and was up all night taking care of myself. Needless to say, I did not wake up at 5:30a this morning. I woke up at 8am because my husband had to go out of town for work and I had to get my son ready for school. I am getting through the day, it’s a struggle, but I will make it! 
My point is that we all have goals and we strive to reach them, but sometimes we have to veer off course a bit. I am Not perfect, no one is, and these are great examples of that!
I post a lot of motivational things, because I like to motivate other people, but don’t get upset if you’re not quite there yet with your goals. Keep pushing and they will come! If you can look at yourself at the end of the day and say, “I am doing the best I can,” you will have no regrets.

Baby Wearing Workout!


I’m hosting a FREE baby wearing workout in the park this Saturday the 21st in Berkley!

Hope you all can make it!

Please bring a yoga mat or towel if you don’t have a mat. Also, light dumbbells or water bottles/canned goods (to use as dumbbells for arm exercises). If you don’t have those, don’t worry! You can just use body weight!

baby wearing

Personal Training!

imageI love training mom’s because I can relate, having two young children myself.
A little about me: I am currently working in the Human Resources Field 4 days per week and I train on the side. I was a division I athlete in college and was coached by some of the best trainers in the country and I used to be a full time trainer at Gold’s Gym, but have since moved toward a professional business career. However, I miss the gym and training because that is my passion, so I have decided to take on a select few clients and run a Workout in the Park series this summer.
My training style is simple: get the most results in the shortest amount of time. Because, let’s face it, as mother’s we are pulled in every direction and we simply don’t have hours to spend at the gym. I like High Intensity workouts lasting no more than 40 minutes.
I have a full gym in my basement that I train out of, but I like to take full advantage of the nice weather in the summer, so I would plan on taking a lot of our workouts outdoors as well.
Please contact me for more information!